Cool iMac Stuff
If you don't already know, iMac computers are very cool. Here are some examples.
Dashboard is a fun time-waster that Apple put in so that when you feel like doing your real work sucks, you just hit F12 and up comes your Bush out of office countdown widget, your Go go Redball, and of cource, the all famous Ask Phil. You may be wondering what all of these things are. Well, get on over to the nearest iMac fast, tap F12, and have fun! To download extra fun widgets, go to This is really worthwhile. If you have no connection with an iMac, go to They also have a version of the dashboard.
This is also a very fun program that can be only found on Macs. It is designed to help you make music. You just drag the tracks in, click play, and the whole song flows out. You learn how to use Garageband through experimenting with it. Have fun! Be warned, this one is only found on iMacs.
Photo Booth:
Probably the second best of the three, Photobooth really does the job of eliminationg boredom. Whether your chin is sitting on a raised platform, or you have double heads, Photobooth is a way to express yourself. Photobooth is only on Macs with cameras built in. Inside the program, you can give your face a tinge of colored pencil, some pop style, or even a thermal look. I guarantee this program will have you hooked before you can say, "Cheese!"
To show you an example of Photo Booth, I have provided a picture I have taken myself.

So thats about it. I know there are some other things on iMacs like Chess, or Tuxpaint. Search around, you've got nothing to lose!